Water tank cleaning process is extremely important to perform since over the course of time water tank may accumulate all sorts of dirt, germs, and other hazardous substances that can be a source of health hazards for the users. Water is one of the major sources of spreading diseases and unclean water from the storage can affect the whole building. Similarly, the build-up of dirt inside the water tank will reduce its capacity over the course of time and it can lead to the blockage of the valves of the water tank as well. This will affect the supply of the water in the building and may even lead to damaging the water tank itself.
Therefore, we recommend users to perform a regular water tank cleaning process at least once or twice a year. This will ensure that unclean water due to the presence of harmful substances inside the water storage may not become a source of health hazards for the residents. Similarly, it will help maintain the proper supply of water in the building. In this article, we will explain a water tank cleaning process with the help of which users will be able to clean the tank in a short time without requiring the services of professionals.
Draining the water from the water tank
In the first step of water tank cleaning, users will have to drain the water inside the water tank so that it is more convenient to perform the cleaning process. In order to remove water from the tank, we recommend users to open the outlet or valve of the water tank so that the water inside the tank flows out of it. However, opening the valve might not be able to remove all the water inside the tank since the valve is usually present at a height above the base of the tank. Therefore, in such cases, we recommend using a vacuum sucker of any type in order to remove all the water present inside the tank.
Performing the cleaning process
On removing the water from inside the water tank, we recommend users to follow the steps given below in order to perform the cleaning process in an effective manner:
- We recommend using an appropriate cleaning agent in order to perform the process. Therefore, users should obtain a standard cleaning agent capable of cleaning and disinfecting the water tank.
- Now, wash the inside of the water tank with the help of a power washer so that it can remove sticky material from the wall of the tank.
- Now, apply a scrubber in order to remove dirt, grime, germs, etc. present on the inside wall of the tank. We recommend using a long scrubber with a handle for the purpose since it will be able to reach the bottom of the tank as well.
- In the next step, apply the cleaning agent with the help of the long handle brush on all parts of the tank. Perform the scrubbing again in order to ensure the proper functioning of the cleaning agent.
- In the end, wash the water tank again with the help of clean water. Now, drain the water tank again by performing the draining process.